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Chernyakhov Culture Fibulae|

Chernyakhov Culture Fibulae|

Chernyakhov Culture (in Ukraine), Bronze Rhomboid Head Fibulae, c. 100 - 375 A.D.; each missing the pin (the iron pins are usually lost due to rust), 29.7mm - 39.2mm long. These Chernyakhov Culture fibulae were found in Ukraine. They are likely women's fibulae. In Chernyakhov Culture burials, most men do not wear a fibula (they wore trousers), women are most often wearing two fibulae, one on each shoulder. The Chernyakhov culture flourished between the 2nd and the late 4th century A.D. in a wide area of Eastern Europe, specifically in what is now Ukraine, Romania, Moldova and parts of Belarus. The culture is thought to be the result of a multiethnic cultural mix of the Geto-Dacian (including Romanised Daco-Romans), Sarmatian, and Gothic populations. The Chernyakhov culture ended with the arrival of the Huns. Without the hierarchical Gothic political structure, cultural homogeneity succumbed to the ethnic distinctions between the disparate peoples.